Leak finding for Long Island's Pools Its all we do

We Patch Liners & Pressure Test Pipes
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Liner Leaks - We find them & Fix Them

We Will check every inch of the liner for holes, tears, punctures We also check in and around lights for Leakage & will dye test bottom drains too. 99% of the time we can repair any Leaks in the structure of the pool and can greatly extend the life of the liner. Rarely will a liner replacement be needed, but sometimes its the preferred course of action.

Some companies use electronics to locate the Leaks. WE HAVE BEEN THERE DONE THAT. Rarely is that the preferred method for many reasons: including false readings - patching areas where a Leak is suspected but not visually confirmed. If lots of patches are needed - say 5-10 holes or more - try patching 10 or more holes with the end of a pole - IT GETS QUITE COSTLY DOING IT THAT WAY TOO!

As divers we can easily patch 10, 20 or more holes maybe in an extra 10 minutes and for no extra cost.

When should you replace a Liner?

  • The liner is 10+ yrs
  • The liner is faded - indicating aging, which might suggest it's losing its elasticity, which makes it Continue with susceptable etc>
    susceptible to punctures, holes and tears or actually cracking which makes a repair quite difficult at times.
  • Money is not a primary concern

What if a Pipe Leak is Suspected?

The first step if a pipe Leak is suspected, is for a pressure test to be performed. The pressure test simply identifies what line is leaking - THATS USUALLY THE EASY PART - many times we can figure out what line is Leaking over the phone - after you do some testing and can take some measurements.

The hard part is to accurately determine where the Leak is, so it can be dug up by your pool co. to repair. WE CAN DO THAT. MOST IMPORTANTLY WE GUARANTEE TO FIND IT or we don't charge.

When should you re-pipe your pool?

Rarely - (and in most cases it makes sense to locate the Leak)BUT:

logically you must consider if you are getting a new patio/pavers or piping is old, type of piping, previous termite damage etc. We are free to discuss

How Can you help?

By pointing us in the right direction>

More specifically we would like to know if you are losing more with the pump running or with the pump off? That generally tells us whether a diver or pipe test is warranted.

The owner of Pool Pro has been helping find Long Island's Pool Leaks for almost 25 yrs.

We try harder, because we don't like to give up - most importantly we have this CRAZY policy of not charging the customer if we can't find the Leak. Now you know we don't like to give up!