WHY POOL PRO for Medford Pool Leaks?

  • 1. If we can't find it we don't charge - no matter how long it takes us.
  • 2. No hourly charges for Leak Detection we charge flat rates
  • 3. Owner has 21+ years Leak experience with Long Island Pools.
  • 4. We don't claim to be experts at all things - we only do Leak Detecting!
  • 5. We do both - diving/repairs underwater & pinpoint underground pipe Leaks.

LEAK TESTS - For Medford Pools

That helps us determine where to start looking for the Leak which ideally reduces our time spent on the Leak Detection - Its a question of whether a diver is needed to check the inside of the Pool or a pipe pressure test.


Losing more either with the pump running or with the pump off indicates a pipe Leak. The first step if you suspect a pipe leak is to do a pressure test. If losing the same amount of water (on or off) points to an inside the pool Leak, & you would need a diver.


Plug the pipes (be sure to turn off the pool pump(s)) and see if you still lose water.

or just run off the main drain (if there is one) by shutting off the skimmer valve(s) typically at the front of the pump.


  • Does the pool stop losing water at a certain level?
  • Did you lose water in the off season when the pool was closed?
  • Did you have the leak last year?

What we do for Medford Pools

  • Underwater Leak Repairs for Vinyl Liners & Gunite Pools
  • Pressure Test Pool Pipes & locate those concealed Pipe Leaks
  • Patching holes, tears, seams and pinholes from termites
  • Hidden Pool Pipe Leaks typically Located within 2 ft.
  • Epoxy minor Gunite cracks & Pool Light Leaks Underwater
  • Repair Leaks at Vinyl Liner Gaskets at stairs and faceplates
  • Plug Main Drain Leaks &/or replace Main drain Covers
  • We won't try to sell you a new Vinyl Liner - We just repair them
  • We are Pool Leak Detection Specialists for Medford, New York